Darby, Pennsylvania – The 26th President of the Republic of Liberia, Joseph Nyuma Boakai, will make his first State of the Nation speech. This follows...
With the election of new legislators, Liberia’s political climate has dramatically changed. House of Representative Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa, the 54th Legislature’s Deputy Speaker, received...
LIBERIA CORPORATE LAW is to a large extent modeled on U.S. corporate law. Liberia’s legal entities are governed by the Liberian Associations Law (1977, as...
In a surprising turn of events, over 40 lawmakers have voiced their support for Bhofal Chambers as the potential Speaker of the 55th Legislature. Despite...
House Speaker Bhofal Chambers Tuesday, 21 March received Six (6) Executive Directors of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group who are currently on a consultation...
Margibi County Representative Ivar K. Jones has outlined several gains made in fulfillment of his campaign promises made to his constituents during the 2017 Presidential...