Oldest Congo Town, Monrovia: Liberia’s President, Dr. George Manneh Weah, on Tuesday, March 7th, constituted a vital finance and trade project geared towards making better Liberia’s investment climate.
Furthermore, the project, which is being implemented by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, is significant because it is intended for job creation, as well as the economic empowerment of the Liberian people.
In addition, the project that is about to serve as a quantum leap in the Liberian investment sector is powered by the World Bank which is about to spend UD$ 40 million dollars.
The project that is labeled “Liberia Investment, Finance, and Trade Project (LIFT-P)” was officially launched at the EJS Ministerial Complex in Oldest Congo, where President George Manneh Weah graced the occasion.
“I am grateful that my promise becomes easier to fulfill through projects such as this,” he declared.
Also, President Weah stressed that the project will considerably enhance and ease the stress of doing business in Liberia.
Speaking further, President Weah, indicated that he was also informed that the LIFT-P Project would support the National Single Window and the provision of a National Electronic Payment Switch.
“These new trading platforms will allow you to transact your business online, even if you are in your village or out of this country, and make instant payments between banks.
I believe this support continues to be given more frequently and in greater magnitudes, because my administration continues to exhibit fiscal discipline and financial prudence in the implementation of these projects”; proclaimed President Weah.
Giving the overview of the initiative was the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Mawine Diggs, who is also Chairperson on the National Project Steering Committee of the LIFT-P Initiative.
She communicated that the emergence of the project began as reform at the Ministry for the need to change the climate of investment and trade in Liberia, for more participation of people in the economy.
Consequently, Minister Diggs, said that the implementation of the project is based on supporting private businesses in the Country which, will help to incorporate other Liberians in the trade and investment environment.
‘’ This will also strengthen and increase the capacities of trade and business in the country. We began this as a plea to the World Bank to see the needs of the business climate in Liberia’’, expressed Minister Diggs.
For his part, the outgoing World Bank Country Director to Liberia, Dr, Khwima Nthara expressed the World Bank’s support to the Government of Liberia and praised the government for the launch of the business and trade project.
Dr. Khwima Nthara stated that the Government of Liberia can be assured of the sustainability of the project through the partnership with the World Bank.
W. Roland James is a Journalist by Profession; a Public Speaker and Interested-Advocate, who is determing to render essential conderable service to the Liberian Society.
He has a passion in Sports reporting, Human interest stories and overall reports from all sectors of relative to the field of journalism. He stands by the belief in the profession that ‘’The Public journal is a public trust; and that a journalist shoud only writes what he/she holds in heart to be true’’.